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エミール Emile

[頭通王]エミール [Headacher] Emile

I've happened a headache it can't be helped I guess from I went out a room. There's no effect I rid of my own legs and brain to source of the headache. To leave the headache after all: I must handle the lumps of odor, loudly, and offensive is. But even killed 'em at 10 times, has been stocked as much, even abandoned the lumps of meat at 100 times, has been arrived as much. So I have bearing the headache onto I'm suffering it.

あぁ……頭が痛いです head hurts.


I must rid of headache.


Where is a painkiller?

[不痛王]エミール [Painless] Emile

Emile hates an human. He practiced to return to an undiluted solution from the Western Realm humans similar as a lump of meat for him. He waited calmly for grow up the seed that hybrid an undiluted solution from the Eastern Realm's people because that's all not creating the soldiers however. The swarm of Pureblood of immeasurable eventually born to the culture pipe. Emile the Pureblood, he encroach the Western and Eastern to he leading their he obtains the infinite undiluted solution.


Ahh... It's a sound good headache.



I must do growth the headache.


Where is my pain?